Qlik Set Analysis Greater Than Date

The expression therefore gives unwanted non zero value as we generally expect an and condition here.
Qlik set analysis greater than date. Using greater than in set analysis i am trying to use the following. Qlik catalog formerly known as qlik data catalyst qlik catalog discussions. In addition to adding the set analysis had a problem comparing dates. As dimension in a chart maybe have a look at.
I ve figured out how to get the transdate equal to 01 01 2014. We turn the date into a number and compare on that. 27 337 views 0 likes. Set analysis and set expressions set analysis offers a way of defining a set or group of data values that is different from the normal set defined by the current selections.
Set analysis where date is greater than trying to only calculate spend where a certain date field is greater than 12 01 2014. Normally when you make a selection aggregation functions such as sum max min avg and count aggregate over the selections that you have made. I would like to sum all records where the record type actual and date this is the name of the column is greater than the current date. How to use greater than equal to or less than equal to in set analysis expression.
I m trying to calculate the average of a dimension over the past month. Finds all values greater than 900 and less than 1000 900 1000. Which version are you working with. Less than or greater than date in set analysis hello dear friends i have been trying the past few hours to implement a simple date formula in set analysis.
Sum date to vlimit date from vlimit value and letting vlimit 29 12 2015 and if you want to use reference dates e g. Applying the same logic to our date range search when stardate enddate then the search string returns dates that are before enddate or after startdate. The set analysis i used always display a value of zero. Finds all values less than 900 or greater than 1000.
Set analysis greater than or equal to a date variable having some trouble getting what should be a simple set analysis filter working. Give an example 631437. Qlik catalog formerly known as qlik data catalyst. Set analysis greater than date expression i m trying to create an expression to give me the sum of hrsworked when the transdate is greater than 01 01 2014 but i m struggling sorry.
Creating reference dates for intervals.